Monday, June 28, 2010

Ferry from Tarife, Spain to Tanger, Morocco, Africa 6/17

So this was our early morning, we had to be at their hotel at 6:30am to head out soon on our 1.5 hour journey to Tarife, Spain (the southern most tip of Europe). Along this early morning, Uncle Tim saved us yet again with his driving as a Semi Truck decided he wanted to drive in 2 lanes at the same time, while we were next to him. Tim deftly maneuvered into the median and dodged the Semi! Thanks Uncle Tim!

Us in Africa!

After that we had to catch our ferry across the Mediteranean sea for about 40 minutes. When we landed in Tanger, Morocco in Africa, we met our guide Aziz and got into our van and headed out on our tour. We drove through the newer part of Tanger with all of the kings and rich houses. Then we went to the north-western most point of Africa and were able to look out over the Mediteranean sea and Atlantic ocean.

Us with our tour guide Aziz

This is a house of one of the princes of Saudi Arabia

This little burro is what brought Anna out of her nap on the tour bus

After that we headed down the coast a little ways and stopped to ride a camel. The Saviano girls (Katie, Maddie, and Anna) and I (Krystle) all rode our own camel, while Jordan, Uncle Tim, and Aunt Denise watched, took some pictures, and got to enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean. This is where Africa stole my jacket. We got back in the car later and it was gone, we stopped back at the same place, but of course it was not there. I am currently in the process of finding a new jacket, because you know me, I am always cold!


After the camels, we headed down the coast to stop at the famous Caves of Hercules on the shores of the Atlantic. We had this guide that showed us “Africa” carved out of the rock. That was neat, but then he proceeded to tell us that the whole cave had similar carvings and it just started to get a little too much. But that’s ok, we got some good pictures and it was pretty interesting.

Cave of Hercules. (It looks like the African continent backwards)

We then headed back up to our starting point to go on a walk of the old part of town in Morocco, Medina. We went into some shops and got some demonstrations in the rug store and pottery store. We went into the farmacie and had a little talk about herbs and what they sold, while Krystle and Anna both got a 1Euro massage with some special muscle cream (it smelled just like Bengay). But I felt so good, and it was nice for my hurting lower back. After this we headed for some typical Moroccon food. We all got either chicken or lamb and couscous, which was tasty. During lunch we got to enjoy a group of men playing their instruments, and Anna and I went up and played with them. Then we had some mint tea (famous in Morocco) and pastries. After this we headed back to the port to catch our ferry back to Spain. We had a great day in Africa, but were very glad to be back in Europe, and head back to our hotels to relax.

This tower does the call of prayer for muslims

Lunch entertainment

Muslim cultural clothing

Bonus material:

Obi Wan Kenobi evading the Imperial Stormtroopers

1 comment:

  1. What amazing adventures you guys are having! Love the camel pics!
