Monday, August 23, 2010


Segovia is unreal. Wanna know why? It’s got a Roman aqueduct running through its downtown. It’s not even hiding, it’s right in plain view.

Those that love Roman mythology, here is a neat little tribute to Romulus and Remus. The story goes they were raised by a wolf. Anyways, woot woot for mythology!

While I thought about climbing up it, I stopped knowing that it would simple lead to an international arrest record. But seriously take a look out how beautiful and huge this structure is.

Now I’m a little bit of a cynic when it comes to my next topic. It’s amazing to me the size and grandeur of one building in each ancient city. The cathedral. I mean there are really cool but does every city need one that by sheer size is bigger than most castles and can encompass the housing districts of most of the cities. I don’t think this is what Jesus meant when he said “feed my sheep”. I mean shouldn’t the tithes of a church be used to help it’s actual people, not just have enough ceiling space to fit a fleet of hot-air balloons.

Anyways, we next headed over to the castle of Segovia. A-MAZING!! I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

This castle has served a multitude of uses over the years. It was a prison, artillery barracks, and now obviously, a tourist attraction to make the government money! Here are some pictures of the inside.

Views from the castle


Library of the mathematics involved for using cannons accurately

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