Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 2 Saturday - Part 1

James Island-
Our first morning at sea was quite an interesting turn of events. We were headed to the island for a short walk on the lava when our guide spotted some penguins on the shoreline. I thought a “third wheel” only existed in the human world, however nature proved me wrong. As we headed toward them, one of the penguins turned away from his companions, so as not to look as his buddies getting it on.  Our boat load of tourists was extremely content.

The lava was black. As black as a moonless night. It had such unique designs from when the lava cooled and hardened years before. We walked for about an hour or so. Along the way we saw a marine iguana blending in with the lava while Krystle and Lauren jumped in a man-sized hole and pretended to be dying.

There was a small beach near the lava. As we walked the beach we saw a bird with an extremely large neck. It could stretch it long at will.

There was another shark circling the boat as we arrived back at our ship. Beyond reason we were enamored with this shark circling our boat!

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